There are many things you can do inside android manifest file you can also declare required permissions and permissions in android are security measures or if you want to access the internet or location enable then we need to add these permissions in android manifest file in android studio. Intent filters allows you to choose the flexibility of choosing which activity to be open at first as main activity or the launcher. Intent Filters in Android Manifest File:Īndroid Manifest file also contains intent filers and from the mainactivity it gets the mainactivity and launches that activity and that screen, so when people open up your app that’s the first one people will be seeing. If you go to java files under main -> Java-> App Name folder-> MainActivity located there contains.
Since in default android app we have only one activity created here so only main activity with one screen is specified here, the name of the java file which contains activity.
In android once you create an activity you need to come back here in android manifest file and specify or declare that activity in androidmanifest.xml. Then we have android icon that we want to use in our application which is get from source from drawlable folder and this is how we declare image or icon from drawable folder with inside your project file which goes in res folder which is a resource folder sub categorized in with drawable folder and it goes and fetches the ic_launcher image icon. In application tag we have android allow backup = true – which means every time we run our application it backup information that’s in your application. Then in Android manifest file we have an application tag and inside its application tag we have a lot of information about our android app. Android Manifest file consist of a package attribute and we use it to upload in play store and our app name like and this will be a very unique name identifier. If we go under app its actually on the root in android project folder you will see android manifest file naming androidmanifest.xml and open it and its an xml file and contains lot of important information of your android app. Where is Android Manifest file Located in Android Studio